Great Minds Think Alike?

So the Farrelly brothers are pissed off that Matt Parker and Trey Stone “ripped off” their idea about having a ringer compete in the Special Olympics. The Farrellys’ movie, aptly named The Ringer, debuts now while the South Park episode that provoked their ire dates back to 2004. I’m not […]

One and Done

The White Sox have won, so is this it for Ozzie Guillen? (During Chicago’s late season swoon, he said that he might call it a career if his team took the World Series.) His players must not want him to stick around — they swept. Guillen hasn’t backed off in […]

House of Horrors

In the early 1990s, the Republican party swept into Congressional power as the country grew frustrated with the growing corruption of the Democrats. Prominent among those who lost their moral compasses was Dan Rostenkowski, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. His name was rarely uttered in public after […]

Get Your Vlog On!

After much-too-much time staring at the computer screen, I’m happy to announce the beta launch of Vlogville — All you need is Windows and Internet Explorer (other versions are in the pipeline) and you’re ready to roll.  Sign up for a free account and let me know what you […]

Unintelligent Design

I need to stop reading. The more I read, the more I concerned I get about the state of science and reason in our country. My friend sent me an article on a museum that offers dinosaur displays in a biblical context. In the early 20th century, many creationist thinkers […]

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